Monday 19 January 2015

Hard work pays off (Getting the job done vs Lazy Ass Ninjas) Blogs and Youtube

So earlier this week, I just happened to be chilling at a bar with one of my boys after training. A couple of Jyaygerbombs, a couple of beers, not the coolest ish I’ve ever done, but this story ain’t supposed to be cool; it’s supposed to motivate. Anyways, we were drinking it up, when he turns to me and says some sh*t like “Tyrael, f**k my life, your life is so much better than mine!” Wtf, one minute we drinking, talking about moving to the two eastern European looking chicas in the corner, next thing he’s talking to me about life. This dude’s lost it. “Real talk cuz, your just a lucky dude, you got a good job, your Youtube channel is popping off, and your working with some decent names in the music scene now.” This guy is nuts, and he got me thinking about how many excuses people make instead of just working hard. For those of you who do work hard and still have a crappy life, here’s a random disclaimer…

Now let’s begin…
Aight, so when people talk about how lucky I am, and they wish they could do what I’ve done, it pisses me off. You’re reading this post right now, as I’m writing this my blog has hardly any views, I started it this month, hasn’t even been picked up by Google yet, so I’m getting dead views. Half the people who just read that will be saying to themselves, “what a waste of time, that ain’t getting you nowhere, why don’t you just stop.” These people I like to refer to as… Haters! I got those exact same lines when I first started uploading videos on Youtube, “Why don’t you get a real job, it’s a waste of time.” Fam, why does it concern you? If I was at home playing Call of Duty everyday, you wouldn’t have sh*t to say.

The first 2 years sure I made plenty of mistakes, but 2 years after that, I’m getting almost 1000 views and 10 subscribers a day to my Youtube channel. Ok my bank aint saying sh*t but that’s minor, I’m building an empire here, you’re either with me or against me. Ok, so when people say hard work pays off, that ish is for real. How can you get anywhere, when you give up because you see no results. That’s some dumbness, like 2 views a day isn’t enough for you, you want to start off with 1000 views a day. Mate, write 500 posts, put them all up in one day, if you getting 2 views per post a day, that’s 1000 views… You’re welcome. The joke thing is, I swear everybody knows this, but they refuse to believe it. If I said to you, “I’ll give you a million dollars, if you start a blog, and reach 100 views by the end of the month.” You will be like, “shiiieeeeet is that all?” So why can’t these people see that they already know the formula, oh yer, because they keep leaving out the most important part of the equation, that they some Lazy ass ninjas! Happy blogging guys :D

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